mercoledì 16 ottobre 2013

Catherine Hardwicke parla di Robert Pattinson e Kristen Stewart in un’intervista con Elle Magazine _ Catherine Hardwicke talks about Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart in an interview with Elle Magazine

Lei ha detto che Kristen e Robert erano perfetti per i loro ruoli.Cosa ha visto in loro che l'ha portata a sceglierli?

 Penso che Kristen fosse semplicemente incredibile in Into the Wild.Quando ho letto Twilight,il libro,continuavo ad immaginare lei nella scena in cui siede nella roulotte,e spera di sedurre Emilie Hirsch.Il suo desiderio era palpabile,reale,intenso.Ho pensato “questa ragazza sarebbe perfetta”.Così gli esponenti della Summit volarono a Pittsburgh,dove lei stava girando Adventureland.Abbiamo preso un attore e improvvisato un sacco di scene.Trovare Edward è stato molto più difficile,perché i libri lo descrivevano come perfetto,con questi zigomi perfetti e quell’aria saggia data dalla sua età.Da centinaia di attori siamo arrivati a quattro.Avevo parlato con Rob solo per telefono e quando era più piccolo.Lui prese un volo a sue spese e dormì sul divano della sua agente.Poi  provammo la scena per constatare la chimica tra i due attori principali,con i quattro attori rimasti.Tra Rob e Kris la chimica è stata istantanea,c’era quella sorta di magnetismo tra di loro che era palpabile,proprio lì davanti ai nostri occhi.
You've said that Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson were perfect for their roles. What did you see in them that made you cast them?
I thought Kristen was just amazing in Into the Wild. When I read the novel Twilight, I kept picturing her in that scene, where she’s sitting in the trailer, hoping to seduce Emile Hirsch. Her yearning was palpable, real, and intense. I thought, "This girl would be wonderful." So Summit flew me out to Pittsburgh, where she was shooting Adventureland. We took an actor with us and improvised a lot of scenes. To find Edward was tricky, because how he was written, he was perfect, with these cheekbones, and he was also wise beyond his years. We whittled it down from hundreds of actors to four. I'd only talked to Rob on the phone when he was much younger. He flew out on his own dime and stayed on his agent's couch. The four actors came over to my house and we workshopped all the "chemistry" scenes. With Rob and Kristen, it was apparent that those two just connected and had a magnetism for each other that was electric, right there on the spot.

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